“For we walk by faith, not by sight”
Proverbs 3:5-6
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight.”
Everything in this world is based on faith, which in turn has a lot to do with trust. Let me explain. How often do you go to a doctor’s office and ask where he graduated in his class? Or what the list of his qualifications are? When you go in for surgery do you trust the surgeon? Do you know their qualifications? Do you know that they are going to do exactly what is right for you? Mind you while in surgery you may be under anesthesia. What about when you get in your car, you have faith that it is going to start just like it did yesterday and the day before right? And when you go to do your laundry, you have faith that the setting you select is going to be the one that the washer actually runs, don’t you? Those are just a few examples of faith in your everyday lives.
Look at the verse from 2 Corinthians again, “for we walk by faith, NOT by sight.” Even though you are “out cold” so to speak and not able to see what the surgeon is doing, you are still faithful that they will do the right thing. Even though you don’t see the inner workings of your washer or drier, your clothes will still be clean when they come out wont they (barring you add detergent and set the machine to the proper settings)? When you get in the shower you turn the nozzle to the warm side and warm water comes out even though you don’t see it. Faith is everywhere, even when you can’t see it.
This is just like Christ. You may not see Him, but if you look harder He is everywhere. He is there in the nursing homes, in hospitals, in schools, on the streets and in your homes. He is there through thick and thin, through every up and every down. Even though you don’t see him, you still have faith in Him.
So let us add trust to this picture of faith. Everyone goes through tough times. Whether it be a death, a sickness, an injury, or a separation of any sort (friends moving away, losing a significant other, or getting close to someone just to see things fall apart). And yet through all of that Christ is still there. Death for example in Romans 6 it says “the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life.” So because of God’s grace and our faith in him, even through death we will have everlasting life with him. Falling away from someone you have gotten close to can often times lead to questioning why it happened as it did? How come the outcome wasn’t different? Why would God put someone into my life just to push us further apart again? The list goes on and on just as it does with deaths, with sicknesses like cancer, disabilities and that list goes on and on. And it may be hard to see why. I have been through a situation like this, and even though it is years past I still for some reason dwell on it. But every time it comes up in my mind I see how God has led me in the path He has chosen for me. My faith and trust in Him has greatly increased through the situation. I have come to better understand what I am to do with my life, who I am to search out as friends, and to be who God created me to be. Not to be someone else. He created me for me, and the situation I had has really taught me that. But most importantly, and I will repeat myself again, it has increased my faith and increased my trust in Him.
Even those you are close to can often times struggle with these very things. Take Thomas for an example. As one of the 12 disciples many would think he would have no trouble trusting in God. Even after hearing Jesus say that he had to die and rise again and that He would return, Thomas still had problems trusting. A step further, Christ returned to the 10 in a locked room (Judas had hung himself and Thomas was not with them) and also returned to Mary Magdalene in the garden. And even after the disciples told him that they had seen Jesus he still did not believe. It was not until Jesus appeared to Thomas personally (in the book of John 20th chapter) and Thomas felt the nail holes and the hole in Christ’s side, did he believe.
I pray that each and every one of you does not get stuck in the past, or get stuck in the down things of this world, or continue to wonder “what if” but rather that you look to God to continue to lead you in life. I pray that you continue to draw closer to Him, and most importantly to build your faith and trust in Him. I would like to leave you with 2 verses regarding all of this that kind of wrap it all up to me, and I hope they do for you also. The first is John 20:29 Jesus is speaking to the disciples and says “Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” And the second is the same one I began with 1 Corinthians 5:7, but this time from a different version called the Message. It reads, “It’s what we trust in but don’t yet see that keeps us going.”