Monday, July 13, 2009

Matthew 10:32

“Whoever acknowledges me before men, I will also acknowledge him before my Father in heaven.”

I have had many opportunities lately to speak with friends and others about my faith. I seem to get many questions regarding Biblical topics and verses and how they are related to today. Thankfully I have contact with some great pastors who help me out when I don’t know the answer. There is another set of opportunities that I have had lately as well. I have been blessed with the opportunity to follow Pastor Maas around on a few occasions as well as just speaking with both he and Pastor Sippy. They have given me great insights as well as suggestions. The best though has been a question. We were talking about how I am not very outgoing and that is something that I believe I need to work on. But more specifically I want to work on being more open to sharing the Gospel message. That is where the question was asked of me. It hit me and I really didn’t have an answer that made any sense what so ever. The question was:

What have you got to lose?

. . . Think about that question for a minute.

There are many ways that the question can apply to you. Everything from possessions to attributes, but I want to look at it in a different way, and at the end I will pose the question to you.

Out of many of the things I have taken away from the pastors one that continually sticks in my mind is this. The only way for those who don’t know about Jesus to find out about Him is to hear about Jesus. After thinking on the question for quite some time, I realized that if I continue to pass up opportunities to share the Word I am not giving everyone the opportunity to know Jesus. I wish we were capable of sharing with every individual we come into contact with. Unfortunately the way the world is with all its hustle and bustle that just isn’t the case. But when the opportunity does present itself why not seize it?

Going back to the opportunities I have had with both pastors. I got to go on visitations with Pastor Maas to the nursing homes (which I mentioned before). And one of the individuals we visited shared with us how God has granted him the opportunity to share with those around him even in the home. I saw a news story of a little girl who drew pictures when she was younger of helping the less fortunate and now, God has led her to open facilities and fundraisers to help these people. Everyone is capable of sharing at any age. From little kids, to the retired in nursing homes. That’s what brings me to the verse I first mentioned. Matthew 10:32 “Whoever acknowledges me before men, I will also acknowledge him before my Father in heaven.” This passage in Matthew states it pretty clearly. If you acknowledge Christ here on Earth, so will Christ do the same for you in heaven. So let me pose the question once again:

What have you got to lose?

I realized the answer is nothing. Sharing the Word of God with someone is a privilege and can’t be taken away from us. Just because someone is not open to coming to Christ doesn’t mean that we will lose our faith because they don’t want to join us. It doesn’t mean that our faith struggles because we don’t bring each individual to our family of brothers and sisters in Christ. It’s not easy to share the Word. It can be difficult and nerve wrecking, but one thing it is, is satisfying. Sharing the Word of God is a blessing. It is your faith, and you have nothing to lose by sharing it. I pray that each of you will strive to share with others more, knowing that it can help you build your faith, and hopefully spark the faith of another.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Psalm 139

“O Lord, you have searched me, and you know me.”

A few items came across my desk, so to speak, this past week. Two of which I would like to look at. The first was on the internet, via facebook. The newsfeed said “How well do you know _______?” then listed various people’s names. I took a quiz or two and found that some people I knew better than others, and some, well, I really didn’t know well at all. Some friends I have known for years and barely know, others I have only recently met and know tons about. Family is the same way, some you know better than others. What about yourself? How well do others know you? Most importantly how well do you know you? I bet you are thinking that you know more about yourself than anyone else. I’m sorry but that most certainly is NOT the case. I’ll explain a bit later.

The other item was a book given to me at confirmation, which I unfortunately forgot I ever received. The book is entitled “Friends” and is written by a Christian singer, Michael Smith. The book talks about some of his good and bad times in life, and gives many Scriptural references throughout filling most of its pages. Seeing as I had forgotten about the book and really didn’t know that I had it, I began reading. In the first few minutes of reading Psalm 139 came about and according to Smith this particular Psalm is a great handful of verses to memorize if that is something you are striving to do. In his book he speaks of friends and relationships in general. As the book continues to unfold he talks about Colossians 1 and its vivid picture of Christ. I encourage you to check these verses out. But then he talks about his “Friends” tour and speaks of Psalm 139. When he quoted it he said that at times, you could hear pins drop. After going through and reading the Psalm a few times I can really see why.

The Psalm begins, “O LORD, you have searched me, and you know me.” Wow. It only gets better though. Let me show you how well Christ knows you. Verse 2 says that He knows when you sit, and stand. He also knows your thoughts far in advance. Verse 3 He knows when you go out, and when you lay down. Christ is familiar with all your ways. The list goes on and on. He knows when you will say things before you say them. In verse 6 the psalmist actually admits that the amount of knowledge that Christ has for us is too lofty to attain. There is absolutely no way that we can hide from God. In fact, it is His eyes that are leading us in life. Are you looking to Him for guidance and direction in all of your decisions?

Take a look at verses 9 and 10. No matter where you go, Christ will continue to hold fast to you. When you are in your highest of highs and your lowest of lows Christ is always there. Friends and family come and go. Sometimes when times get tough you feel alone, I tell you, you’re not. Someone who knows you better and listens to your every word is always there for you. It is someone who knew you before you were even born, who formed you in your mothers womb. So when you feel alone, sad, depressed, frustrated, happy, jubilant, who is it that you go to talk to? Do you go to your best friend, your brother or sister, your mom, dad, friend or other family member? I pray that each and every one of us can look to these people, but more importantly be in constant conversation with God. He knows you best; He knows your ways, your thoughts, and what you will say. Let Him guide you in all your ways.

So back to those things that came across my desk. The book has been beneficial and has helped me to get into the Word even more so, and focus more on my relationships with people here on Earth. And the quizzes online, well it has reminded me that no one knows me better than Christ. So even though I may not know everything about some of my friends, how about I do make one thing perfectly clear with them all, and that is my Savior knows me best, and I strive to know Him better every day. I hope that each and every one of us can look to Christ more for guidance, especially in our relationships, that we may build them upon His firm foundation.