This is one of my favorite passages in the entire Bible. I won’t include any one part of it because it flows so beautifully in one piece, but you need to go read it right now.
Seeing as you have now done that, please take some time to reflect upon it. There are so many wonderful truths and insights I always gain from reading this passage of Philippians. First God commands us to have the same attitude as that of Christ Jesus. It immediately explains what it is to be like Jesus. Here is where I draw the first great insight.
The passage tells us to humble ourselves before God and men. Jesus did not consider equality with God something to be grasped (even though he was God himself) but rather made himself nothing (verse 7)! The Supreme Ruler of the Universe made himself a nothing, a humble servant. A servant so obedient and lowly he gave himself up for an innocent death on the cross. This is where I draw my second great insight from this passage.
Christ was obedient to death. Not just an ordinary death, but an innocent death on the cross. What an amazing sacrifice this is to us. For some reason the way the Spirit inspires Paul to phrase that, it always makes me realize a little more the true extent of Christ sacrifice, more so than most other passages of the Bible. He truly gave up everything, and he gave it up for us!
This leads me into the next truth that is revealed to me in this passage, that we too must have this obedience. If our attitude must be the same as Christ, then we must be as obedient as him. This means obedience to God, even to the death, even death on a cross! Sure you’re probably not going to see too many people by the wayside hanging from a cross for Jesus in today’s day and age. What is our cross now though? Jesus tells us in the gospels that anyone who would follow him must “deny himself and take up his cross and follow me” (Matt. 16:24). What is your cross? Is it where you will have to live? Is it how much money you will make? Is it the job you must do? Is it being too shy?
Finally, the last big insight I gain is how Christ is exalted above all others. That at his name every knee should bow. I always begin to think of the majesty and wonder that is the Kingdom of Heaven. How I long for that day when I shall enter into heaven to dwell there forever and ever. For that day when I will one day feel as if I actually belong as I am surrounded by the millions of saints shouting “HOLY, HOLY, HOLY is the Lord God Almighty!” and know that I am truly home. For that day when love finally prevails and evil is vanquished forever!
Until that day… God Bless.
For some reason the last part of that verse made me think of the Song Ancient of Days. "Every knee shall bow at Your thrown, in worship. and Your kingdom shall not pass away, O Ancient of Days."
This is a beautiful passage that shows just how much Jesus gave up in order to save us from our sins. It is so hard to imagine all the shame and humiliation Christ suffered for our sake. Yet he bore it all without a second thought because He loved us! It's an incredible feeling.
I like your view of Heaven Joe. I also am definitely looking forward to enternal life with God's entire family together in a never ending celebration! We will finally be in the image of God and know Him perfectly!
Whenever I think of Heaven it reminds me of the retired pastor from my church, Pastor Kuhlman, who passed away last April. He was an avid gardner and once said in a sermon he looked forward to Heaven and was certain there would be tomatoes there. I'm sure right now he is enjoying the most perfect tomato he has ever grown!
Joe, you do such a great job or revealing God's word to others. I have recently come to realize that i hide behind so many things. Like money, and a job and where i will live and all that. And yet, i need none of it. With God i need nothing else. I dont need money, nor cars, nor clothes, no nothing, all i need is him. Unfortunately we were born into a sin where we constantly think about these things, until we get to heaven that is. But you know what, i love my Father in heaven and i know that as long as i keep my trust in Him, everything will be ok. God Bless.
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