So the whole chapter is interesting. It is about how God leads the people of Israel out of Egypt. I want to look at a few verses (4 to be exact) and how they compare to our everyday lives. The first verse I wish to look at is verse 3. It reads, “The Israelites are wandering around the land in confusion.” At this point in time in the story God has Moses tell the people to go back to a place to camp so that Pharaoh can seem them wandering around so that he can go after them to bring them back to Egypt. Wandering in a state of confusion . . . wow I did that yesterday and the day before and even the day before that. Being thousands of miles away from home in a country where English doesn’t come first it can be rather difficult to find your way around. I find myself walking in circles all the time, and often wondering where I am at. But that is only one side of it. That is the physical sense of wandering around. I want to look at the mental aspect. Think for me, when is the last time that you knew exactly the direction your life as heading? When is the last time you knew exactly how a day was going to turn out? When is the last time that you knew that you were going to wake up the next day? I can’t answer any one of those questions for myself. To me, that is like running around in a state of confusion. A lack of clarity as to what exactly is going to happen in your life, not knowing how a situation is going to turn out, not knowing, if you will wake up tomorrow, and yet we still have hope. Let me explain. Just as the Israelites were wandering around in the desert, “waiting to die” as they put it we do the same thing everyday. We fail to put our full faith and trust in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We fear death. We fear rejection. We fear failure. We fear _________ you fill in the blank. And yet we need not worry. Let me get a little deeper here by adding in the next verse.
Verse 13 says, “Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the LORD will bring you today.” That was Moses talking to the people of Israel and yet it is God talking to each and every one of us also. Take everything that you fear, and think about how you can fix it on your own. You will think for hours and days on and end really not come up with a good reliable answer until you come to this one . . . Stand firm in your faith, and trust in the LORD! He is the way to make all these things better. He is the way to keep you from fearing what you fear. He is the ay to help you with that difficult situation that you don’t understand. He, simply put, is the answer. And yet just as the Israelites did, we do the same today and we still doubt Him and we have to see something to know that he is still helping us. Moses cried out to the Lord for help as the Egyptians were following the people, and what did God do, he helped. The Lord told Moses to hold his staff out over the sea, and over night, the sea parts, so that the people can get from one side to the other without problem. It doesn’t always happen overnight, but when you put your burdens on the shoulders of God, he will always show you an outcome. It may take a few minutes, days, weeks, or even years, but when you put those things on God’s shoulders, you can’t go wrong. Then, as the Egyptians entered the dry land in the sea, what did God do, but he (vs. 24) “threw them into confusion.” He got rid of the problem. That is what our loving God does. He takes the problems that we have and gets rid of them or fixes them. So is it worth it to worry about tomorrow? I think not, I think that Matthew 6:34 says it best, “Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.” That is what we have to do. We have to realize that sure our life has these paths that take us every which direction and sure it can be hard and frustrating and we can have that feeling of wandering around in confusion, and yet, we have no reason to.
Exodus 14:31 reads, “The people feared the Lord and put their TRUST in him.” How great is that? If we trust in the Lord and look to him always we wont have that state of confusion. Sure we will think that we have it, but He has a plan for us and confusion is not a part of it. I found this picture and hope that the artist doesn’t mind my using it, but I think it really sums this whole situation up. It’s like this broad spectrum, things going every which direction, just this utter state of confusion, and yet, it you look past everything that is “confusing” you can still see the reason we are living. That reason is the cross. Take a look at the picture:

Lord, today I pray for guidance. We all have these paths in our life and yet known of us know where they are leading. I pray that you help us to get out of our busy and confusing nature and trust in you. You died for us all so that we won’t have these “confusions.” I ask that you help us to always look for you for help rather than trying to figure things out ourselves, and I ask that you help us to put our full faith, trust and love in you, because without that, we have nothing. Help us to look though everything and see the one thing that matters . . . YOU. Amen
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